
HOLON: Holarchy

holon.jpgHolon aka Mr. Hisrav of In Lak Ech presents his psyberpunk theories on 10th January 2014 Friday 8:00pm CET on the Trance channel. Reruns: 11 Saturday 2pm, 12 Sunday 8am, 13 Monday 2am. Stay tuned!

Behind of "Holon" we can find a strong element within the scene, we re talking about "Mr. Hisrav" we mean that after maturing their sound over the years on the solid project "In Lak Ech" in collaboration with Dj Haffman, he choice create his solo side project. Conformed with a hypnotic line trance music, insistent, twisted, crispy, full of witchcraft and especially very psychedelic. This is how Holon can be heard on a fullmoon night with the light filtering through the clouds or in a morning with the sun at top , with guaranteed results in the dancefloor. A holon is a system or phenomenon which is an evolving self-organizing dissipative structure, composed of other holons, in size from the smallest subatomic particles and strings, all the way up to the multiverse, comprising many universes. Individual humans, their societies and their cultures are intermediate level holons, created by the interaction of forces working upon us both top-down and bottom-up. On a non-physical level, words, ideas, sounds, emotions everything that can be identified, is simultaneously part of something. Holarchy A hierarchy of holons is called a holarchy. The holarchic model can be seen as an attempt to modify and modernise perceptions of natural hierarchy. Ken Wilber comments that the test of holon hierarchy is that if a type of holon is removed from existence, then all other holons of which it formed a part must necessarily cease to exist too. Thus an atom is of a lower standing in the hierarchy than a molecule, because if you removed all molecules, atoms could still exist, whereas if you removed all atoms, molecules, in a strict sense would cease to exist. Wilber's concept is known as the doctrine of the fundamental and the significant. A hydrogen atom is more fundamental than an ant, but an ant is more significant.

Catalyst Records