Gardener and permaculturist Sára Vargha, chief gardener at O.Z.O.R.A. will be in the studio tomorrow to discuss why she made the following statement on permaculture: …
SIMPLIFY Vol.4 – Making Mistakes: Part of the Plan | Sára Vargha
SIMPLIFY No.3 – Applaud the Sky | Graham St. John
“Once I saw people applaud the sky”—is how the subject of the interview begins an article on the role of eclipses in the psy-trance scene. …
SIMPLIFY No.2 – Go with the Flow | Mező András Pocok
Today we talk to András Mező 'Pocok', flow artist, head honcho of circus acts at O.Z.O.R.A. and manager of Freak Fusion Cabaret. The interview will…
SIMPLIFY #1: Interview w/ YOUTH aka Martin Glover
SIMPLIFY is radiOzora's brand new 'spoken word' series hosted by BLAZE about breaking down unnecessary structures and patterns in our minds. As this week's interview …