
MONDAY VISION Vol.2: Walk through a Labyrinth

labyjpg.jpgIn today's edition of Monday Vision we are going to take a walk through, and maybe even get a bit lost, in the Ozorian Labyrinth. Following and unweaving Ariadne's thread will be part of the team responsible for designing and creating one the oldest installations of O.Z.O.R.A. Festival —LIVE from the studio!

Tune in on 13th October 2014 Monday 6pm CET on the Chill channel. After the live stream the interview will be available on radiOzora's Soundcloud channel. Stay tuned!

Releated articles in The Ozorian Prophet:

Winds of creaton rustling through the Corn Stalks
Horsing Around in the 2014 Labyrinth

MONDAY VISION–one of the new additions to the radiOzora series we are excited to introduce, a time each week when the Chill frequencies embrace our psy-cultural art scene. The Monday Vision series will guide you through the 'art from the start', the architectural and artistic-cultural milestones of O.Z.O.R.A. and all kinds of future visions our global art scene has to offer. Each episode will highlight a different topic, feature artists from all around the world, packed with interviews, talks, updates on exhibitions, open calls and encounters of the artistic kind.