
KORAI ÖRÖM: Live @ Dragon Nest Stage

korai.jpgDon't miss Hungarian progressive tribal-trance-ethno legend Korai Öröm's concert on the Dragon Nest Stage on 21 December 2013 Saturday 5pm CET on the Chill channel. Rerun: 22 Dec, Sunday 11am. Stay tuned!

The band Korai Öröm was formed in 1990. The band plays progressive, tribal-trance-ethno style music. This is what the media has to say: ambient, urban folk music, psychedelic ethno, progressive action music characteristic of the 90s. VJs accompanying the band have been making concerts even more spectacular ever since the beginning. The Korai Öröm band's 10th album was released in March 2013. This album's style follows the traditions of the former releases such as the unique tunes played on fuyara, jew's harp, the strong tribal drums and percussions, the rather acid and at times retro-sounding keyboards with the monotonous but powerful, minimalist bass guitar play. Dynamic metal sound beats its path through the psychedelic and ethno guitars. "Korai Öröm amalgamates the sounds of an array of ethnicities and galaxies in its music, which is indescribably abundant, yet most certainly digestible."
